07 February 2007


I know people have been the anticpating the return of LOST, but what about the return of America's Next Top Model?

As nerdish as I may sound, this is show is a guilty pleasure to watch. It's not just the cattiness amoung the girls (because you know this always happens during each cycle) but there's always the crative aspect of it. Not only does Jay Manuel come up with these creative concepts - some of which have given me inspiration and influence for my own vision to shoot - but even the choice of photographers that shoots for each individual shoot are interesting as well, even though you only get a small dose after being introduced to the models. Some photographers that have shot on ANTM I know by name and works and some just makes me want to know a bit more a la internet

It still early to tell but these girls have caught my eye thus far


Guess I'll have my eyes glued to the "boob tube" on starting Feb 28-07!


H said...
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H said...

I just found out yesterday that cycle 8 was starting!! I am completely stoked!!!